Farmers intensive requirement for land security places a premium on farmland property right system change. 农户对土地保障的强烈需求,诱发了农地产权制度的变革。
Premium assessment to deepen the reform of land-use system, regulate the property market, as well as their corresponding land registration system laid the foundation. 地价评估为深化土地使用制度改革、规范地产市场,以及与其相适应的土地登记制度等奠定了基础。
Premium Allocation of Spare Inventory in Two-Echelon Supply System Based on Aircraft Operational Availability 基于飞机使用可用度的航材二级库存优化配置
Evolution and reform of the premium rate system in China 中国保险费率管理制度的变迁与改革
From my perspective, however, moral education should also be placed a premium, otherwise the educational system will pose a huge hazard to society. 但是我的观点是道德教育同样应当被重视,否则这种教育制度会引起社会埋下隐患。
The Ford Sync technology package is top-notch and the Sony premium audio system is a great-sounding system at a great value. 福特同步技术方案是一流的索尼高级音响系统是在一个很有价值的伟大冠冕堂皇的制度。
The Discussion about Insurance Premium Rigidity adjustable traverse feed system of grinder 保险费法律问题探讨刚度可调整的磨床横进给系统
PPS-A Productivity-oriented Premium System for Small-and Medium-sized Enterprises PPS&适合中小型企业的面向生产率的奖励制度
China should tighten premium rate control by improving the premium rate control system and establishing a loss data bank of major insurance products. 需要通过完善费率调控体系、建立主要险种损失数据库等措施,进一步加强我国保险费率调控。
Not only must we put a premium on system innovation and technological innovation of enterprises, but also put a higher premium on the innovation of enterprise administration. 企业不仅要重视制度创新和技术创新,而且要更加重视管理创新。企业家是管理创新的主体,必须加快培养具有创新精神和能力的企业家队伍。
Comparing with the individual agent system, the premium collection and repeat-sale system can break through the bottom neck of the agent system and effectively increase the amount of renewal premium collected and improve the insurer's market penetration and competitiveness. 与个人营销体制相比,收展制能突破现行个人营销体制发展瓶颈,有效提高续期收费水平,提升公司的市场开拓力和竞争力。
Premium stock issue system underlies the problems of Chinese stock market. 股票溢价发行制度是中国股市的问题之源,要解决中国股市的问题,必须坚决废止溢价发行制度。
A New Method for Making Premium Rate-Improved NCD System 计算费率的新方法&改进的NCD系统
A Theory of Premium System and Consumer Welfare 论溢价机制与消费者福利
This paper uses interest rate premium and term premium to measure currency risk under currency board system. 本文用利率升水和期限升水来衡量货币局制度下的货币风险。
This paper presents a new PCI arbitrating scheduling scheme to support premium service in the PCI system architecture, called Weighted Priority Rotational Algorithm. 文章介绍了在PCI系统结构中新的总线仲裁机制,提出了加权优先循环算法。
Establishing option premium system to reasonably impose resource tax and mineral resource compensation fee; 建立权利金制度,合理征收资源税与矿产资源补偿费;
Decision mechanism of the premium rate is the core of the insurance system for occupational injury, which has direct impact not only on the balance of insurance fund and promotion of the injury prevention, but also the enthusiasm of enterprise insurers. 工伤保险费率机制是工伤保险制度的核心问题,对工伤保险基金的稳定性、工伤预防效能的发挥和企业参与的积极性等多方面产生直接影响。
Premium evasion is critical because of threatening security system for the aged in China. 逃费在中国已经成为一个威胁社会养老保障制度的重大问题。
To solve these problems, we should abolish the premium stock issue system and solve the problems caused by premium stock issue system by subtracting non-premium shares and canceling what have over distributed the dividends. 同时应当采取缩减非溢价股、注销部分已经超额分红的非溢价股等办法,以解决溢价发行制度遗留下来的问题。
Through the establishment of the NCD system analysis, this paper worked out the confident premium under the NCD system was 416 θ 1, and then identified funding criteria of the government and individuals. 通过建立的NCD系统分析,解得NCD系统下的置信保费为416θ1,进而确定出政府和个人的筹资标准。
Going with freeing insurance clause and premium tariff system, opening insurance market, and entering foreign companies, the competition will becoming fiercer and fiercer, and the situation cannot be predicted. 随着国内车险费率条款体系的自由化、保险市场的逐步放开和外资保险公司的进入,车险市场的竞争越来越激烈,市场格局变幻莫测,而客户则是永恒的主题。
Recently, GLM is able to technically support the automobile pricing for actuaries and help them making a fair premium ratemaking system. 在现阶段下,广义线性模型宽松的假设条件及广泛的适用性,已经能为精算师进行车险定价提供技术支持,建立起一套公平的费率厘定系统。
From the pilot project started about policy agriculture insurance in 2007, the central and local budget for a large amount of money to improve the premium subsidies system of policy agricultural insurance. 自2007我国政策性农业保险试点以来,中央及地方财政安排大量资金以健全政策性农业保险保费补贴制度。
Specialized deposit insurance agency ( usually the Deposit Insurance Corporation) raises insurance fund by collecting premiums, and reasonable deposit insurance premium is the important guarantee for deposit insurance system to be operated steadily. 专门的保险机构(通常为存款保险公司)通过收集保费作为保险基金的主要积累,而合理的保险费率水平是存款保险制度稳健执行的重要前提。
Automobile insurance innovation was carried out formally on January 1, 2003, and insurance companies have their own rights to establish insurance clause and premium tariff system from then on. 2003年1月1日,我国正式实行机动车辆保险改革,赋予各保险公司自行制定车险条款费率体系的权利。
The risk management system of stock index futures market mainly includes the premium system, the price-limit system, speculative position limit system, and the forced liquidation system. The first two systems most directly influence the routine dealings. 股指期货市场的风险管理制度主要包括保证金制度、涨跌停板制度、投机头寸限仓制度、强行平仓制度等,对于交易者的日常交易活动影响最为直接的是保证金制度和价格涨跌幅限制。
At the same time, since the auto insurance has been gaining prompt development with its premium income growing rapidly, system analysis of factors which affect the demand of auto insurance is of great scientific and practical importance. 同时,汽车保险市场发展迅速,因此对汽车保险需求的影响因素进行系统分析,具有重要的理论和实际意义。
In 2003, as China Insurance Regulatory Commission adjusting the policy to the business of the motor insurance, every property insurance company began to design new motor insurance policy, determine motor insurance premium and draw up agent system by themselves. 2003年,随着中国保监会对车险业务监管政策的调整,各家财产保险公司开始自行确定车险品种、自行厘定车险费率、自行制定车险代理人制度。
As one kind of premium sales, it both in theory and system needs to be further explored and improved. 作为有奖销售行为的一种,其在理论上和制度上都需要进一步的探讨和完善。